Health and Ageing – Woodrose Senior Residences

Health and Ageing

People from all around the world are now living longer. A longer life means time spent more with loved ones or pursuing new activities but the extent of this opportunity depends on the one important factor: health. 

Older age is categorised by the emergence of several complex health conditions or better known as geriatric syndromes. Although certain medical conditions are genetic, much is due to their physical and social environment. While some 70-year-olds enjoy extremely good health and functioning, other 70-year-olds are frail and require significant help from others. Hence, it is important to keep a healthy and balanced lifestyle from a young age in order to avoid developing geriatric syndromes.

At Woodrose Senior Residences, we help Elders navigate the effects of ageing more effectively through our top-notch services and facilities. For more information, visit
