Testimonials – I love staying here, it makes me happy ?

Some Elders find it hard to adapt when they’re away from their families, but at Woodrose we ensure that our Elders enjoy their time with their friends here participating in activities that keeps their mind sharp and young.
#elderlycarespecialist #woodroseseniorresidences #elderlycare #shariahcompliantelderlycare #seniorlivingmalaysia #nursinghomemalaysia #homenurse #homenursing #seniorcare #seniorcaremalaysia #dementia #alzheimers #strok #caregiver #penjagawargaemas #elderlycaregivers #pusatpenjagaanwargaemas
Sending our parents to an Elderly Home can be a difficult task for most of us as we would want them to receive the best care and treatment possible. At Woodrose, it is our vision and mission to provide quality service and care for all of our Elders whilst following Shariah principles to ensure that our homes are suitably equipped and maintained with the interests of our residents’ health and safety in mind. This is a testimonial from a family member of our Elders about the service we provide to both our Elders as well as their families.
#elderlycarespecialist #woodroseseniorresidences #elderlycare #shariahcompliantelderlycare #seniorlivingmalaysia #nursinghomemalaysia #homenurse #homenursing #seniorcare #seniorcaremalaysia #dementia #alzheimers #strok #caregiver #penjagawargaemas #elderlycaregivers #pusatpenjagaanwargaemas