Why elderly homes are great for seniors to get together – Woodrose Senior Residences

Why elderly homes are great for seniors to get together

When one thinks of elderly homes, one usually thinks of days where seniors would have idle time on their hands. The thought of two seniors finding love between each other may seem like a distant reality to some. Remarkably for two seniors at a private nursing home, love managed to find its way for them.

The conotations of days where seniors would remain idle and lonesome while staying in an elderly home may be a thing of the past. These days, seniors at elderly homes can connect with people of their generation who may share similar experiences and engage in social interactions which may be beneficial for their overall wellbeing.

While social media may be ubiquitous in today’s society, the elderly generation comes from an era where personal interaction was more prevalent than today’s social media interactions which lacks the human touch. Bonding together over a simple lunch affair with people of a similar generation may be a great way to forge close companionships.

Multiple studies have also shown that elders who regularly and routinely engage with people, whether it is having a social gathering, an intellectual discourse or just having a friendly chatter may be conducive for their overall mental health and wellbeing. Thus, it would stand to reason that an elderly home would make for a perfect place for seniors to socialise and mingle with one another.

Which is where elderly homes such as Woodrose comes in, where we not only provide care for your aging loved ones but also a great place for seniors to socialise and mingle to boost their health and wellbeing.

At Woodrose, it’s our responsibility to ensure that all Elders under our charge are well-cared for physically and mentally. Contact us at +6012-7098102 to find out more about the extensive services and facilities offered at Woodrose Senior Residences

Source from https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2021/10/24/love-blossoms-for-seniors-at-nursing-home-amid-pandemic

Written by The Star
